Understanding the Stages of Recovery: 
A Journey with Thrive Addiction Therapy

At Thrive Addiction Therapy, we believe in a holistic approach to recovery from Alcohol dependency and Substance Use Disorder, We recognise that it is a unique and deeply personal journey. To support our clients effectively, we embrace the stages of change model, which outlines the path from addiction to recovery. Understanding these stages helps us provide tailored interventions that meet you where you are. Here are the stages of recovery:


. In this initial stage, individuals may not recognize their addiction as a problem. They may be in denial or unaware of the negative impacts of their behaviour. Our role is to provide compassionate education and raise awareness about the consequences of addiction, planting the seeds of change.


At this stage, individuals start to acknowledge their addiction and its effects. They are open to the idea of change but may feel ambivalent or uncertain about taking action. We offer a supportive environment for exploring feelings, fears, and motivations, helping you weigh the pros and cons of recovery.


Here, individuals are ready to make a change and begin planning for recovery. This stage involves setting goals, exploring treatment options, and preparing mentally and emotionally for the journey ahead. We assist in creating a personalised recovery plan and building a strong support network.


 In the action stage, individuals actively implement their recovery plan. This involves making tangible changes, such as participating in therapy, attending support groups, and adopting healthier behaviors. Our therapists provide ongoing guidance, encouragement, and tools to navigate challenges and sustain momentum.


The maintenance stage focuses on sustaining the progress made during the action phase. Individuals work to prevent relapse by developing coping strategies, maintaining a support system, and continuously evaluating their goals. We offer long-term support to reinforce positive habits and address any emerging issues.


This final stage signifies a stable and sustained recovery where the individual no longer feels the temptation or need to revert to addictive behaviours. It represents the culmination of the hard work and transformation achieved throughout the previous stages. Our team celebrates your success and remains available for any future support you may need.

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